Glaucoma Management

Expert Care for Eye Disease

Glaucoma is a leading cause of blindness around the world. However, with early detection and management, vision can be preserved! Our eye doctors at EyeXcel perform glaucoma testing during comprehensive eye exams. This is the most reliable way to identify the early signs of eye disease.

What is Glaucoma?

This eye disease is characterized by increased pressure levels in your intraocular fluid. Eventually, this higher-than-normal fluid can damage your optic nerve. Without treatment, permanent vision loss results.

Generally, the early stages of glaucoma are silent, so you will not know that you have the disease. Yet, our advanced glaucoma testing with multiple technologies will identify the signs. Call to schedule your eye exam with glaucoma screening at EyeXcel.

What is the difference between types of glaucoma?

There are two types of glaucoma. The most common is “open angle” glaucoma where there is no pain or uncomfortable symptoms. In the beginning, vision also remains normal. The second type of glaucoma, “closed-angle” glaucoma, can cause sudden symptoms, including blurry vision, eye pain, headaches, nausea, and seeing halos around lights. This type of glaucoma is a medical emergency that requires urgent attention since the intraocular pressure can rise dramatically and damage vision quickly.

What are the risk factors for glaucoma?

  • Glaucoma is strongly linked to age, particularly once you are over 40

  • High blood pressure

  • Diabetes

  • Family eye history – it is important to tell our eye doctor if glaucoma runs in your family

  • Use of steroid inhalers as a treatment for asthma

  • Hispanic Americans, specifically in older population groups

  • History of eye injury or trauma (this can lead to secondary open-angle glaucoma)

What are Glaucoma Testing Procedures?

To ensure high diagnostic accuracy in our clinic, we administer glaucoma testing with the following high-tech devices:


Tonometry measures intraocular pressure. Our eye doctors will either perform a “rebound test”, which uses extremely fast rebound to measure it, or place a specialized probe (with a blue light) gently on the surface of your eye. If the results from either of these tests are high and are repeatedly high over time, you could have a problem with the amount of fluid in your eye. However, glaucoma cannot be diagnosed entirely by tonometry; more diagnostic information is needed.

Optical Coherence Tomography (OCT Scans)

OCT scans are a type of digital imagery that scans the integrity of your retina. This imaging is done repeatedly over a series of visits, so we can analyze and compare the results. Changes in the images provide significant information about progressive glaucoma damage and help us design the best treatment for your condition.

Visual Field Testing

Glaucoma typically attacks side (peripheral) vision first. This is one reason why 20% of vision could be lost before noticing vision is affected. Once vision loss occurs in the center field, it means that glaucoma has been present for a long while. Only routine eye exams can identify the early onset of glaucoma, and visual field testing is a helpful measure for diagnosis.

With visual field testing, a light signal will be displayed repeatedly in various areas of your peripheral vision. Virtual reality goggles, similar to a video game, will be worn as you look ahead and provide feedback when you see the light signal. If you have already been diagnosed with glaucoma, your eye doctor will probably administer this test at least once a year. If there is any deterioration or vision damage in a new area, a change in your glaucoma treatment may be necessary.

How do we treat glaucoma?

Successful glaucoma treatment involves a solid partnership between you and your eye doctor. You must be committed to following your doctor’s instructions and using any medication that is prescribed, such as eye drops. Also, if you are taking medications for glaucoma, you will need to visit your eye doctor regularly, about every three to six months, depending upon your condition.

Although the damage already caused by glaucoma cannot be reversed, medicine and surgery can help to slow the progression and prevent any further damage. Our eye doctors at EyeXcel may use one or more of the following treatments.


Eye drops are generally the first treatment prescribed for glaucoma. Applied regularly on a daily basis, these eye drops can lower eye pressure. There are different types of eye drops for glaucoma, some of which work by decreasing the amount of fluid made by your eye, and others work to decrease intraocular pressure by facilitating a smoother flow of intraocular fluid through the filter.

If eye drops do not reduce your eye pressure down to the recommended level, our eye doctors may also prescribe pills (typically a carbonic anhydrase inhibitor) in the event of an emergency.

​​​​​​​All medications can produce side effects, including glaucoma eye drops and pills. If you experience any side effects, discuss them with your doctor. Do not just stop taking your medication!